Thursday, August 17, 2017

The 9 ways

9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life

Gordon B. Hinckley

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 1.Be Grateful - Being Grateful is something we all have to be. We can't have things for granted and not be thankful. A way of being grateful is to having a gratitude journal and write all the good things you have. for example you can be grateful you have a roof over your head that protects you from rain and that keeps you warm. Another example is to appreciate what you have in life right now because as they say nothing last forever and you cherish the things you have right now. Have a positive attitude that gives out good vibes to one another. I found a great quote and it says "Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life." This quote was from Joel Osteen and I 100% agree with him having that attitude will determine your life and you will live a good life with positive vibes and great people.

2. Be Smart
- Everyone is smart in their own way people just have a different way of showing it and that's okay. Being smart is very simple and not hard to do to be honest. One way on how to be smart is to stay out of trouble by not doing anything dumb if you get what I'm saying. Don't get into fights with anyone there are other ways to resolve problems in a respectful manner. another way people show that they are smart is being word smart. What I mean by that is people like that can read well while some can't. some can speak and write better than others. Most people are street smart because they don't live in a community well.. I guess you already know, anyway it's really important to know because otherwise you don't want to get hurt. Be drug smart meaning don't do drugs because that can cause a lot of trouble in your life and unhealthy as well. There are soo many ways on being smart these are just a few out of many.
Resultado de imagen para be smart

3.Be Involved
Image result for be involved- I am involved with many things in my community and my school. For example last night I came to back to school night and earned myself some points for my school wide grade. I am also involved in my school's soccer team. There are many ways on being involved throughout your whole life and someone else as well. Just being present at someone's house can be being involved. Caring for someone can also be being involved because you are there for them and nurture them. Help your community out by volunteering and be involved and show your love for the city, that can be great."The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved." What this means is that if we all want to progress we all as a community have to get involved and proceed together.

4. Be Clean
Image result for be clean
- To be clean I think it means to not use dirty language and to not get dirty which is the obvious. I also yet to think it is when you have something on your mind and you confess yourself for all the bad things you have done in life. If you have not confessed yourself then you are considered dirty instead of being clean."...Then I rushed to what appeared to be a great opening, or door. I knocked and the door opened, and the man who stood there was the Prophet Joseph Smith. He looked at me a little reprovingly, and the first words he said: ‘Joseph, you are late.’ Yet I took confidence and [replied]:"‘Yes, but I am clean—I am clean!’" a quote from Gordan Hinckley and what this means is that all he did was shower and get their late which for me is choosing the wrong but at least he had a reason

5. Be True
    - To be true is to say what you mean and what I mean by that is you always have to be honest and never lie. You always have to say the truth even though it hurts. Its better to tell the truth than to lie because when you lie that's bad and can cause real bad situations. Lil Uzi Vert in a song called "xo tour life" once said "On the real you have never lied", which by that he means that she should have told him the truth because he was really hurt and that made him really depressed which isn't good or what Mr. Haymore would say is choosing the wrong. This could also mean that you should be true to yourself, meaning be yourself don't let others bring you down for some attention. Always be yourself and never change in life cause we are all unique and wonderful human beings!Image result for be true

6. Be Positive
   -To be positive means to have a good way of thinking. I personally think its to have a positive attitude because if you have a positive attitude you'll get positive results. you have to look at life in a positive way so you can be happy in life and enjoy it. Another way to be positive is to motivate others to do good and cheer them on. Why would someone be so negative? That would mean they are choosing the wrong and as Mr. Haymore taught me it's better to choose the right than to choose the wrong. You don't want a negative output in life because that would be miserable and no one wants to be miserable. Being positive can also mean to bring yourself back up when you have fallen and have little left. no matter the circumstances always pull yourself back up have the positive attitude to get up and not let life bring you down.
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7. Be Humble
   - To be humble is to be cautious of other people in your life and a way you can be humble is to talk less in a conversation. It's better to listen carefully because you want to be aware of what the other person is saying to you. You should give them your full attention because they are giving their time for you. Another way you can be humble is by knowing that you won't always be on top, meaning you won't always be the best at something you try. By being humble it make you realizes some mistakes you have done throughout your life and to make up for them or at least learn from them. When giving a presentation you have to have someone say criticism so you can become better at presenting or being a better person. The opposite of being humble is to be loud and rude. No one wants to be rude in our world but some of us do and that's how our world is and being rude is choosing the wrong and its better to choose the right
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8. Be Still
Image result for be still  - The overall meaning to be still is well not to make any sudden movement whatsoever. What I think the overall meaning of to be still is that I think they're people that are really out of their mind and just do drugs and just can't keep still. Then there are people who are choosing the right and do what they are suppose to do. what I also think this means is that when people are going through a hard time no matter the circumstances they manage to be still and have faith in themselves. Never lose hope and be still, don't do anything bad that might look good because that's not thinking clearly you'd just be choosing the wrong and we don't want to do that.

9. Be prayerful

Image result for the 9 ways gordon hinckleyFinal Reflection: All of the Nine ways are very great ways to apply to your life and be happy. Being grateful was a really cool way to talk about because not much people talk about how they're grateful unless they have success. I don't think you need to accomplish something in order to be grateful as long as you have a long and happy life with your friends than you should at least be thankful for that. Another one that I really liked was way 4 be clean, because it's always good to be clean and confess all bad so you can feel clean and good about yourself. you don't want have to be feeling dirty because of something bad you did that would be choosing the wrong. This can apply to everyone and we have Mr. Gordan B. Hinkley to thank for sharing his knowledge with us.

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